Joint Economical Sled Track Rocket (JESTR)

Joint Economical Sled Track Rocket (JESTR)

Project Number: N68936-22-9-0001 Member: Aerojet Award Amount: $98,529,164.00 Description: The Department of Defense (DoD) rocket sled test tracks have been used to conduct thousands of missions in support of critical national defense programs and special applications...
AN/SSQ-36/B Sonobuoy Prototype

AN/SSQ-36/B Sonobuoy Prototype

Project Number: N00421-21-9-0004 Member: USSI Award Amount: $2,330,132.74 Description: AN/SSQ Series Production Sonobuoys are the principal sensors used by Navy Air Anti-Submarine Warfare forces to carry out their primary mission functions of detection,...
AN/SSQ-36/B Sonobuoy Prototype

AN/SSQ-36/B Sonobuoy Prototype

Project Number: N00421-21-9-0004 Member: Sparton Deleon Springs LLC Award Amount: $400,989.44 Description: AN/SSQ Series Production Sonobuoys are the principal sensors used by Navy Air Anti-Submarine Warfare forces to carry out their primary mission functions of...
AN/ALE-47 Common Carriage

AN/ALE-47 Common Carriage

Project Number: N00421-22-9-0009 Member: BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration, Inc. Award Amount: $13,457,395 Description: The Navy and Marine Corps are currently the only DoD activities utilizing round countermeasure expendables with the...