Multi-Mission Tactical Unmanned Aerial System (MTUAS) Increment Two (Mi2)

Project Number:



Martin UAV, LLC.

Award Amount:



Special Operations Command’s MTUAS requirements were revised in 2020 in response to changing battlefield threat environments and the need to incorporate the latest surveillance technologies. Additionally, a system that is runway independent and does not require dedicated launch and recovery equipment was deemed necessary for future concepts of operation. The purpose of this project is to develop a new material solution to fulfill the MTUAS Mi2 requirements and will include enhancements to the Modular Payload Standard, Body Worn Ground Control Station, assured position navigation timing, data link encryption, radio, and modifications to address cybersecurity risk areas.


06/30/21: Solution Selected
06/30/21: Request for Proposal Released
07/21/21: Proposal Submitted
09/20/21: Awarded