United States Marine Corps (USMC) TACAIR Increment 1

Project Number:



USMC Headquarters (HQMC) has a requirement for a Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Unmanned Expeditionary (MUX) Tactical Aircraft (TACAIR) platform that improves survivability and lethality of 5th Generation Aircraft. The desired end-state of the prototype is to successfully demonstrate an unmanned tactical aircraft controlled by a ground control station (GCS) and/or manned aircraft within 3-6 months of award, with electronic attack (EA) capabilities, launching and recovering from a short-field expeditionary runway. This includes a technical description of the prototype and a Production Plan to mature the prototype to a production representative platform.


05/09/2024: Request for White Papers Released
06/24/2024: White Papers Due
8/28/2024: Solution Selected
TBD: Request for Proposal Released
TBD: Proposal Submitted
TBD: Awarded