Project Number:
Current Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) aviation weapons portfolio has a gap in longer range weapon systems. The USMC requires a feasible and adequate long range precision weapon system solution to be employed from VTOL aircraft with a lethal range greater than 150 nautical miles at speeds of 80-120 knots (kts) and an altitude no greater than 1000 feet. The USMC is looking for a prototype weapon system solution that addresses the threat from long-range weapons by delivering modular effects from low-altitude AH-1Z aircraft in expeditionary and maritime environments. Future spiral development is expected to include additional VTOL aircraft. An Early Operational Capability (EOC) utilizing the prototype weapon system employed via the Marine Air Ground Tablet (MAGTAB) from a bomb rack on the AH-1Z aircraft will be achieved by Q4FY27.